Many entrepreneurs fall into the same trap. They have a desire for financial freedom and they realize that they need to earn more money in order to do so. Then they realize that to make a significant amount more money, it is almost essential that you work for yourself. And while most business owners earn more money, not all of them achieve real financial freedom. Financial freedom is available only when you have enough automatic income working for you so that you do not need to work. Being in business for yourself is definitely a great way to create passive income, but like I said, many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of not ever being free from their work. They end up working as much, or even much more, than they ever did before. The whole idea was to create freedom from work and money worries, and while they got the money aspect right, they did not get the freedom part.
Any business can be automated so that it runs without the owner working. This is the only way that your business can provide passive income and the ability to live financially free in the truest sense of the word. I know that I fell into the the trap by starting a service business to create more freedom. Rather than becoming free, I became more of a slave than I had been before. sure, the money was much better, but I was still obligated to work all the time. But even service businesses can be highly automated, just as any business can. You just need to keep your real goals in mind throughout, which is building financial freedom. With that goal in mind, you will be more likely to build a business that you can easily get away from, yet one that will still earn money for you around the clock.
Depending on the kind of business you operate, you will need different things in order to automate it. For example, if you run an online business, you can find tools and software programs to automate the laborious parts of your business like marketing, follow up, and keeping in contact for long term, back end sales. If you own a service business, you will need to surround yourself with the right managers and employees. This way you do not need to be present in order for your business to operate (smoothly hopefully) and earn passive income for you. When you own a business that you can step out of and still make money from, you have a great asset for financial freedom.
If you are not yet in business for yourself but you are interested in taking the entrepreneurial path, look into businesses that will offer the easiest streams of passive income. The internet offers a world of passive income business opportunities. Even hosting a simple website or blog can turn into a great source of income, earning money simultaneously from several sources. Or you can join a free network marketing program, online or offline, and build a residual income that can also allow you financial freedom later on. Or you can develop a mailing list and use if to make sales over and over again. Making money online these days is simple, and passive income has never been more exciting to earn.