Everyone who has at least the slightest contact with the online world already has an email address. The fact is that most people prefer a free email from known providers over a domain name email just because it’s free, so there’s no hassle with payments or managing a domain.
If you’re a business professional, you don’t want a free email account. Why? Firstly, you’ll want to promote your own business and not Yahoo or Gmail, since they are already at the top of the free email providers list. Secondly, you should take this opportunity to create a mail that bears both your name and the company website. Think about it, what actually sounds better? PeterSmith(at)yahoo.com or PeterSmith(at)ITServices.com. When you create a business card with this email address, you’re not only promoting yourself, but you’re promoting the business as well.
If you get a professional domain name email, chances are you’ll be perceived as much more than a simple employee with a free email account, but a serious business individual and this will help increase the chances of getting more contracts and sales for your business. A personalized business email account increases the credibility of who you are and what you do.
Your professional online email address is your personal portfolio. This address will attract attention towards who you are and the product you provide. This is the best way to create a great first impression even before you meet with a potential client. A professional email address guarantees your business is genuine and leads to a more successful path and increased credibility.
In the past, having an email address on your business card was considered impressive. But since the online world moved on and evolved towards free email for everyone, carrying a free email account and using it to promote yourself and your business simply won’t cut it anymore. A domain name email is more credible than a free email account and it’s considered as the most inexpensive way to market your business today.
Also, when you write emails using your professional email address, make sure you follow a few simple rules. The greeting should be short and include the receiver’s name, the body should be written in a professional manner and make sure to include a signature at the bottom. This will influence people you communicate with in a positive way and provide a significant boost in other peoples respect for you and your business.