Very first thing in morning any Indian investor will be doing is getting news on SGX Nifty on Singapore stock exchange, which will be trading before Indian market opens for trading. At what level SGX Nifty is trading will give some indication about what will be a probable trend in Indian stock market when they will open for trading. Second thing would be listening to technical analysts view on TV channels and their views on Nifty intraday market and finally If one has time to spare will be checking with financial advisors over phone or through online or by way of sms alerts. This whole thing sums up how crucial Nifty movement is for our markets. Technical analysis is perhaps the only logical way where one can find answer to where Nifty is marching to in current market situation as by technical analysis only you can get a reliable answer with logical reasoning to a satisfying level of conclusion over future market trend. As by any other way you can’t satisfy yourself to believe and accept conclusions as they are not supported with any logical base.
For technical analysis of Nifty one can refer to a web site which is providing pre-market analysis on Indian indices especially Nifty along with Buy and Sell recommendations for individual stocks of Nse Bse.
Some times we have plenty of theories to support a possibility but at the end we may find that all theories and roll models were failed to understand the actual impact. But some times we have all the facts to show and believe but then we are not believing the story.