Free marketing sources are an excellent marketing avenue. They will keep you sharpening up your sales pitch on your E-book because you will continually publish information about it. As you publish pages with product information and sales copy, you will also post links to your sales page, enhancing your search engine rankings. Many of these page building sites have a high page rank and can really help you become a valid force on the search engine rankings, especially if you have keywords that are not too competitive. I recommend the following page building sites for you to use to build high page ranking sites, pages and articles about your niche. The article or page building sites are listed in no particular order.
associated content
These sites will each allow you to post an incredible amount of information about your product, even under pen names, and have great page rank for link building. Post all the info you want there and remember to use your own affiliate links and products as well
Another source of free marketing is Craigslist.org. Many people over look CL as a source of free marketing, and each week, the requirements for postings becomes a little tougher to use as an effective tool for marketing. Other sources of marketing that are similar to CL are Kijiji.com and Backpage.com. Each of them do a similar function as CL. I do recommend you consider using other sources of online advertising such as Americanclassifieds.com and even the local newspaper, as well as niche e-zines.
One very useful source for free marketing is the local news media. No joke! One very simple technique is to write a press release on a service you are working to offer or a need you are striving to meet for the local community. Next you take your press-release and post it here: http://openpr.com/news/submit.html and http://www.i-newswire.com/submit.php. Now, there is no guarantee that they will accept your press-release or write a story about it at all. It is a worthwhile effort when you have taken care of the majority of your other marketing. You never know, they may just run your PR and you will get some great media exposure.
We have already briefly mentioned article marketing. It is exactly what it sounds like, writing articles and posting them on article sites. It is a great way to get free traffic and will help you expand your understanding of your own products.
A great way to get traffic to your site is to put a copy of your e-book on a thumb-drive and raffle it! How you do this is by posting you raffle offer on free give away sites. The description of what is being given away will also include your URL so they can get more info. When they get there you can pitch them your 100{421b746ef4f4588dfd87c8acf16c9c4b10a4a0127eaff1927a04f4091b6d6d60} commission offer. No matter if they win the raffle or not, they may just decide to sell your product anyway.